Flutter Widgets

In this section you can browse through the widget list

RaisedButton Widget

RaisedButton is a material design button that is elevated above the surface of the screen. It has a rectangular shape with rounded corners, and can be customized with a variety of properties to change its appearance and behavior. The constructor for RaisedButton takes several required and optional parameters. The required

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TextFormField Widget

The TextFormField widget in Flutter is a form input widget that allows the user to enter and edit text. It’s typically used in forms to capture information such as usernames, passwords, and email addresses. The constructor for the TextFormField widget takes several optional parameters, including initialValue (which sets the initial

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GridView Widget

The GridView widget in Flutter is a scrolling container that displays a grid of widgets. It arranges its children in a two-dimensional grid and is useful when displaying items in a grid-like layout. The GridView widget is similar to the ListView widget, but it arranges its children in a grid

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ListView Widget

The ListView widget in Flutter is used to create a scrollable list of widgets. It is a fundamental widget for building most mobile applications as it allows you to display a large amount of data in a limited amount of space. The ListView widget creates a list of children and

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Image Widget

The Image widget in Flutter is used to display images in your app. It has several constructors that allow you to specify the source of the image (such as a network URL or an asset file), as well as its size, alignment, and other properties. You can also use the

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Column Widget

The Column widget is a vertical layout widget in Flutter that allows you to display multiple widgets one after the other in a single column. It is ideal for scenarios where you want to display multiple widgets such as icons, text, or images in a column, and you want to

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