Flutter Widgets

In this section you can browse through the widget list

Radio Widget

The Radio widget in Flutter is used to represent a set of mutually exclusive options. The user can select only one option from the group at a time. The widget has a value parameter that represents the current value of the radio button group, and onChanged parameter that is called

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Switch Widget

The Switch widget in Flutter is a material design widget that allows users to toggle between two states – on and off. It is often used as a substitute for the checkbox widget when you want to provide a more visual representation of the state change. The constructor of the

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Checkbox Widget

The Checkbox widget in Flutter is used to represent a two-state selection model, i.e., selected or not selected. It’s a Material Design style checkbox that shows a check mark when selected and an empty box when not selected. The constructor of Checkbox widget takes several parameters, including: Here’s an example

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OutlinedButton Widget

The OutlinedButton widget is a Material Design button that displays an outlined border on a background. It inherits properties from TextButton and can be customized with various parameters. The constructor for OutlinedButton is as follows: Here is an example of using OutlinedButton: This creates an OutlinedButton with a blue border

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TextButton Widget

The TextButton widget in Flutter is a basic button that displays a text label on it. It can be customized with various properties, such as color, text style, padding, and onPressed action. Here is a breakdown of the most important properties of the TextButton widget: Here’s an example of a

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ElevatedButton Widget

ElevatedButton is a material design raised button that has a filled background color and a slightly elevated appearance. It’s a type of button that is commonly used in mobile app interfaces for the primary action. The constructor of the ElevatedButton widget takes in several required and optional parameters. The required

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